Hatter's Ball | Expansion pack #1
**DO NOT PURCHASE THIS EXPANSION KIT WITHOUT PURCHASING THE HATTER'S BALL MURDER MYSTERY PARTY GAME.** This is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD of the expansion pack including 6 expandable additional characters that can be expanded to over 60 characters - (see the character list below for details). This document should be printed in addition to the original game kit. This is not a complete 'stand alone' game.
- 18 unique players from the main game(purchased separately).
- 6 unique players from expansion pack #1
- 16 unique players from expansion pack #2 (purchased separately).
- Up to 15 duplicate Magician's Assistants led by Lou Violet, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 15 duplicate Makeup Artists led by Izzy Maroon, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 15 duplicate Production Assistants led by Cass Chocolate, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 15 duplicate Entourage Members led by Bruno Ivory, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 15 duplicate Mobsters led by Maria Lime, Expansion Pack #1.
- Up to 15 duplicate John/Jane Doe characters, Expansion Pack #1.
Click here for the invite and click here for the character list
Tons of Fun
We had young adults, some couples, some singles. We had a blast. Everyone enjoyed it, from first time players to experienced players. It was a lot of fun with the different hats!
Great fun
I like this theme because the guests could wear easy costumes and dress and clothing that they could find in their closet.