
Terms and Conditions

My Mystery Party, LLC is located in Austin, Texas, USA.

Our call center hours are: 

1 PM - 4 PM Central Time, Monday-Friday

Please note that during the busy times of the year, it may take a few times to get through during business hours. We cannot support the monitoring of voice messages. Each question is important to us, so please contact us via email if you do not get through our call center, and  we will respond to your email within 24 hours, M-F. 

Call Center: M-F, 1-4 PM, CST. 1 (800) 714-3951

Email Support: monitored 5 days per week (M-F). 

 If you do not receive a response within 24 hours and have filled out the contact form – send us another message, as you may have inputted your email address incorrectly - this happens frequently. Also, with or .de email addresses, we might be receiving bounce-backs with our responses to you, so contact us using a different email address or through your account if you haven't heard back from our party advisors.



The Terms of Use Agreement, hereby referred to as the "Agreement," was created by and is binding between My Mystery Party, LLC ( and you. The Agreement constitutes the terms and conditions of access and usage which oversee your use of the website at, all sub-domains, associated websites, and the mobile version (hereby termed the Site). The Agreement also covers the games available for licensing at the Site (the “Games"). You and are herein referred to as the “Parties” or “Party.” 

In respect and trade of the mutual agreements of the parties contained herein and the mutual benefits to be received under this agreement, the parties agree to the following components of the Agreement.


You agree you have read, comprehend, and are willing to be bound by this Agreement whether you are perusing the Site, or gaining access to the Games as a Licensee. Gaining access to the Site and/or becoming a "Licensee" by purchasing a license to a game are mutually termed “User” and "Buyer." 
This Agreement also includes by entering and/or using the Site and/or Games - you are agreeing to be bound by the privacy policy found at and all other notifications posted on the Site (collectively, the “Policies”). The Policies are combined herein, and you agree to their terms. Review all Policies before perusing the website at
By using the Site, you consent to have your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to authorize you to access or use any Game unless and until you become a Licensee (Buyer, User) and purchase all relevant License Fees.


Modifications to this Agreement (including the Policies) can occur anytime without us posting further warning. Such modifications will become effective upon the modification being posted on the Site. The date the Agreement was last revised is posted on this page. If you do not agree to abide by these or any future editions of the Agreement, refrain from using or accessing the Site ( or Games. It is your duty to check the Site frequently to verify if there have been changes to the Agreement. It is your responsibility to review and consider all changes.

Upon purchase, you are licensing the game from for up to one year after purchase. The single-use game, upon purchase, will be available to you for up to one year after purchase. If, for any reason, your party was canceled and needs to be rescheduled beyond that year, be sure to download the materials within the year to ensure you have the game. Your license automatically terminates once you have played the game within the year after purchase.

All content included on (hereby called the Site) and the games, including but not limited to text, instructions, game and associated graphics, logos, format, design, code and source code, multimedia content (including but not limited to images/illustrations, audio, and video files), and all code within the Site or on the associated site at and including all other work and IP (intellectual property) of any kind (patentable, copyrightable, or no) is the property of and is under protection by US and international copyright laws with All Rights Reserved.

The trademark My Mystery Party, LLC and associated materials (i.e., including but not limited to logos) are exclusively owned by Other trademarks, logos, labels, and product names appearing in the games and associated products and on the Site that is not owned by or its subsidiaries are the property of their respective owners.
You agree not to copy, post, transmit, or use in any manner, any materials, logos, product names, game materials, or other associated materials without's prior written permission. 
You are forbidden to remove/alter, or cause to be removed or altered (i.e., by cutting off the bottom portion of our materials with the copyright notice), any copyright, or any other materials belonging to  If finds that you have intentionally hidden or removed the copyright information, all active licenses will be immediately voided without notice. We do not allow live-streaming or recording of the game material (verbal, visual, or otherwise) in any form. 


Contingent upon your agreement and compliance with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, will bestow upon you a non-transferable, private, revocable, and non-exclusive single-use license to access the Site and (if you are a Buyer/Licensee) access and use any Game(s) within one calendar year after purchase of the License Fee for (posted price of the license of the game), subject to the following terms and conditions: 
• You do not permit a third party to replicate (copy), alter (modify), produce a derivative piece of work from, or attempt to copy any portion of the Site or the Games; and
• You accept and comply with every term and condition of this Agreement. 
Except as otherwise precisely permitted herein, this license specifically forbids any resale of any portion of the Site or Games and any derivative use of the Site or the Games. Neither the Site nor the Games nor any portion thereof may be reproduced, copied, sold, resold, live-streamed, duplicated, accessed, or otherwise made use of without written consent from
The Site and Games are protected by all applicable federal and international intellectual property laws. No portion of the Site or Games may be reprinted, republished, duplicated, copied, live-streamed, modified, or distributed in any form without’s express written permission. You agree not to transmit, copy, reverse engineer, produce a derivative work, or modify any portion of the Site or Games. 
You recognize, accept, and understand that reserves and retains exclusive ownership of the Site and Games and all associated intellectual property rights. Except as expressly provided herein, you are not granted any right or license to copyrights, patents, proprietary information, or trademarks with respect to the Site or Games, and reserves all rights not expressly granted hereunder. You shall hastily notify in writing upon your discovery of any copyright infringement or unauthorized use or access of the Site or Games or's copyrights or other intellectual property rights. The Site and Games contain proprietary and confidential data that is under protection by applicable law. 
All violations of this Agreement could result in civil or criminal liability. We retain the right to examine incidences that may involve such infringements. will assist and work with all branches of law enforcement authorities regarding civil and criminal liabilities. 


The standard game licenses are good for a single use for private use. The price of the downloadable game is the price of the standard game license. Commercial licenses shall be purchased from by the User/Buyer/Licensee on record in the event this game is intended to be utilized for profit (including a break-even scenario) and/or for multiple events in private, commercial and/or public settings.

As of 4/12/21, the commercial licenses are active for up to a one-year period for face-to-face (in-person) hosted games, expiring on the date of the standard license expiration. Virtual use is a separate license and expires yearly or on the date the standard license expires.

This includes but is not limited to freelance event planners, fundraising, party décor companies, wineries, breweries, restaurants, bed & breakfast facilities, hotels, castles, manors, museums, libraries, or any organization or individual who is hosting as a benefit to their organization, business, or brand &/or collecting fees for an event associated with a game.  You must have a commercial license if you are promoting the event online &/or collecting a fee for entry/admission to an event where the game will be performed or played - even if profit is not expected (such as with a break-even scenario).

The Buyer is forbidden to use game materials - including promotional materials - for paid advertising/marketing campaigns. You cannot advertise under the same keywords as with our Games, Logo, etc. Omission/hiding/removal of the evidence of copyright will void the license without warning. Failure to include a link to  and a statement that it is a My Mystery Party, LLC game (as required by the commercial license agreement) in all promotions will void the license and all past and future licenses without warning.  If our staff finds or if we are notified by an outside party of your promotion without our required link and statement, your commercial licenses will be automatically deactivated. You will no longer have the ability to host the event. You will not be refunded for either the standard license or commercial license in case of a breach. You will also not be able to be commercially licensed in the future with My Mystery Party, LLC.

A commercial license is not valid unless a standard game license is also purchased, or a previous order number is provided with the license purchase.

A beta-test license is not an active, standard game license. If an order number is not provided at the time of purchase, the license will revert to the last game purchased by the licensee. If multiple games are purchased on the previous order, the commercial license will be applied to the first game listed on the order.

The license cannot be transferred once applied to a game by default or by the User/Buyer. If no games have been purchased by the User, the commercial license will not be active until a standard license for a game is purchased, and the license will be applied to the purchased game license and active during the full year. The Buyer of the standard game license and commercial license must be the same Buyer and must be visually present during all events.

There are no exceptions.

You cannot hold a commercial license for more than one Buyer/Licensee, and a license (standard or commercial) may not be transferred to another host(s). If you are a business hosting our game, each host that will independently be hosting the game must be separately commercially licensed to host that game theme.

Virtual-use game licenses are separate from in-person games as described above and will expire after a one-year period. If you plan to host a game both virtual and face-to-face, you will need a separate license for each venue (face-to-face and virtual). Please see the commercial use section for more details about both licenses.

We do not allow live-streaming or recording of the game material in any form - even with commercial licenses.  


Posting content online: The Buyer/Licensee hereby agrees not to post any portion of our game content (including but not limited to text, graphics, or photos of the victim &/or murderer/thief in the game) online, or otherwise. The Buyer/Licensee hereby agrees not to copy any portion or create derived &/or reverse-engineered game materials based on My Mystery Party, LLC's copywritten materials. The Company may pursue legal action against you if you breach this agreement. Legal action may include the calculated loss of revenue of the Game including the loss of current Users requesting exchanges, loss of future sales at a 15% increase over the existing calendar year for 10 years, and billable hours of the author to create revisions to reinstate the value of the Game (which may be up to 80 hours of billable time at $150.00 per hour), editor's fees for the revised Game (which may be up to 10 hours of billable time at $250.00 per hour), in addition to all associated legal fees in pursuing the settlement. All profits from any games created from a derived or reverse-engineered work will be surrendered within 48 hours to My Mystery Party, LLC, as well as associated legal fees to remove the game from websites, etc. 

Inputting game content into AI software: The Buyer/Licensee understands that inputting any portion of copywritten materials into AI software of any kind is strictly forbidden by this game license. There are no exceptions, even for translation of the game. You are forbidden to input copywritten material into AI software. Since AI software is a learning application, you would be transferring My Mystery Party's proprietary, intellectual content into an application that is meant for reverse-engineering and dissemination of information to the public for fair use. For this reason, you will be immediately held responsible without question for a projected loss of income of the game of which you input the copywritten text or images into the AI software, and a reasonable percentage determined by a mediator hired by My Mystery Party, LLC of all future sales that would be lost due to the strengthening of AI's capability to copy the format of My Mystery Party games, which have been fine-tuned since 1998 with feedback and extensive beta testing. Since you are using AI software to input our copywritten information, this data will never cease to exist, and we will be able to, at any time, use AI software to prove the text or images were input into the system and by what IP address and account holder. 

Graphics: All graphics associated with this game are protected under copyright laws and remain the property of My Mystery Party, LLC. You do not have the right to use these graphics for personal gain in any manner. If you are commercially licensed for a game, you can use our graphics for promotional campaigns, but only with the required link as outlined in the commercial license agreement.

Gifting: As stated above, our game license covers a single, private event and you may not transfer this game to another person (i.e., email it to a friend, gift the game, etc.). By doing so, you are in violation of federal Copyright laws and both parties are subject to legal consequences. You agree to be charged the license fee, the cost of the game, the cost of our staff locating the violation, and any damages that are incurred due to your illegal use of the game.

Buyers/Licensees are forbidden to share their contact information (i.e., login ID, password) with anyone or forward any correspondence from My Mystery Party, LLC's system or employees to a third party. Only the Buyer/Licensee is allowed access to the account created by the Buyer/Licensee on the MyMysteryParty website. Sharing your login information with a third party will result in a voided game license. There are no exceptions. If you have a co-host, they can only access the materials in the Buyer/Licensee/User's presence.

Posting game content: As stated above, posting our game or any portion or derived work of our published game on any online site (i.e., social media, blogs, AI, etc.) is a violation of copyright, and damages will be assessed based upon the loss of sales for the period the game/portion of the game was online. Even if you delete your post, screenshots of any online site are always available from any past date - deleting a post will not erase the violation. An egregious example of this would be posting a spoiler, such as a person wearing a victim sign, reading the text of the game materials on a video, etc. This prevents future hosts (My Mystery Party, LLC Buyers) from hosting the game, as spoilers are available online for their players. This creates a documented, calculated loss of business. You must pay for the calculated sales loss upon discovering the violation. It is the Buyer/Licensee's responsibility to notify their players of the game of this policy.  

Copyright lines: Removing our copyright line &/or reproducing our materials, &/or claiming you are the author of the game in any manner is a violation of copyright and will be considered an act of plagiarism and copyright infringement. These games are non-editable. Re-typing the material and presenting it as your own is illegal. Albeit, plagiarism is not a criminal offense, it infringes upon the author's intellectual property and the act may land you in federal court.  

Purchasing from a vendor: If you did not purchase your game from, please contact us immediately at 1-800-714-3951 and/or To avoid being an accessory to software piracy, as infringements on both sides of an illegal transaction can face legal ramifications. Only the Buyer/Licensee of our games who have purchased from will receive customer support. Therefore, you must provide your order number for customer support with our party advisors. If a person other than the Buyer/Licensee contacts us for support &/or to retrieve game materials from an order - we will void your license, even if active, during the year after purchase, as the Buyer/Licensee is not allowed to share any order or login information with an unlicensed person (3rd Party). This includes your order number, login ID, password, or other identifying information of your order. 

For example, if you illegally share your login &/or order information to transfer the game license to a friend/colleague/family member and we obtain documented proof of this breach (i.e., the second end-user contacts us for help, etc., posts about it on social media, etc.) - we will void your license and all other licenses that are active on your account. You will no longer be eligible to be licensed (standard and commercial) for My Mystery Party, LLC games in the future.

A Buyer/Licensee is responsible for their players' actions. It is the Buyer/Licensee's responsibility to ensure that their players or any person who comes in contact with the game materials will not post any game content in any form or manner online or otherwise. 


Due to the nature of downloadable products and on-demand boxed kits, all game sales at are final.   

Downloadable game licenses: 

 We offer instant downloads upon purchase. This is very convenient for you, as there is no waiting to get your game. However, because our games are instantly available upon purchase, we cannot determine whether you have saved the file that was instantly available to you on the order confirmation page once the sale is completed. Due to the nature of digital products, we cannot prevent a customer from using a downloadable game after it has been made available upon purchase. Therefore, we cannot give refunds on our electronic products.

There are no exceptions, and we will not offer refunds for our downloadable games. They are thoroughly beta-tested prior to publication. All sales are final.  

Exchange allowance:  If you are not satisfied with your game for any reason, we will (in most cases) within 14 days after purchase, transfer the game license to a second game of equal or lesser value (i.e., provide you with the license for another equivalent downloadable product at no additional charge by our staff transferring the new game on your order through your account and removing and thereby voiding the purchased game license) as long as you, the Buyer/Licensee, have not previously: 

1. Taken advantage of this 'exchange' policy.

2. Waited more than 14 days after the purchase of the game license. 

3. Posted or threatened to post disparaging comments in any manner or form about any of our games, website, staff, or via any transmission via print, online, verbal, or otherwise.

4. Posted spoilers &/or any form of game content online.

5. Filed a chargeback or threatened to file a chargeback/dispute to circumvent the return policy (which is fraud).

6. Mistreated/bullied My Mystery Party staff – in other words, used derogatory, crude, &/or misogynistic language, &/or commented about staff disabilities - whether actual or assumed, &/or threatened the staff via phone, email, social media, or another form of communication.

There is only one exchange allowed per Buyer/Licensee for a lifetime.

How the exchange is done: when you receive a free game license in exchange for a purchased game license, our staff will transfer the license through the order on your account, and void/remove the license of the purchased game. You will no longer have the license to host the original game. 

Future purchases: Buyers/Licensees receiving a free game license in 'exchange' should communicate with My Mystery Party staff before ordering a new game, as we must be sure that you are selecting an appropriate theme for your group since no future free game licenses (i.e., exchanges) are allowed.

After a Buyer/Licensee receives a free game license, they must be extra cautious in selecting an appropriate game in the future because My Mystery Party will not give a second game license for an exchange. Please view the sample game materials, pre-game site, host character list, invitation, ask us questions via email, review the character list(s), and watch the game trailer to ensure this is the correct game for your group.

My Mystery Party staff can search a prospective game for any 'triggers' or any other objectionable content specified by you, the Buyer, that you are attempting to avoid in the game materials. Our staff is there to assist you in choosing the right game. We trust this will help you make an informed purchase.

What happens to the purchased license: the original license will be voided and removed from your account, and the new license will be transferred to the new game by My Mystery Party staff. Buying the game license to determine if it fits your needs is unacceptable and will not entitle you to a refund.

The Buyer/Licensee hereby agrees upon accepting a game license transfer that you will not leave disparaging or any form of negative comments, posts, or reviews about the Company in any manner including comments, posts, or reviews (verbal, written, images, or other transmissions) about our products, content, staff, website or anything regarding as a whole.

If, after receiving a game license transfer, you breach this agreement and leave such a comment/post/review or other disparaging transmission, your game licenses will be voided, and you will no longer be eligible to have an active game license in the future with our company. In extreme cases, such as a case of willing business disparagement, we may pursue legal action.

If the Buyer/Licensee does not wait for the My Mystery Party staff to do the exchange through the system: if you are unhappy with the original purchase and do not wait for My Mystery Party staff to add your 'exchange' to your account, and you purchase a second game license, we cannot refund the original purchase.

Both game licenses will remain active, and your free exchange in the future will still be available to you. Therefore, if you need your one-time exchange, you must wait for us to do the transfer for you on your account before purchasing the replacement game. 

There are no exceptions.

Using the one-time exchange on a boxed set (Party Pack): If you have a boxed kit (Party Pack) and wish to use the one-time game license transfer to another theme, you will receive the downloadable version of the replacement game. We do not, under any circumstances, accept returns on boxed sets, as they are prepared upon demand.

Party Ready Packs (Boxed sets): 

There are no refunds on Party Packs (boxed kits) for any reason, as these are custom-prepared for you on demand. When an order is placed, the kit materials are printed immediately and placed into the queue to be prepared by our staff. There is not a grace period after placing an order, as we do not want to delay any orders from getting shipped as quickly as possible.  Your party date is important to us, and we strive to ship your package even faster than we promise.

We do not keep a stock of prepared kits, as there are too many games with multiple kit sizes. Also, some kits are seasonal, and our games are updated and modified frequently. Preparing the game kits are labor-intensive, includes wear-and-tear on our machines, and the labor costs and machine wear-and-tear cannot be refunded. Preparing an order also reduces the stock of our raw materials. Therefore, once an order is placed, it may not be canceled for any reason. There are no exceptions to this policy. The party packs (boxed kits) are final sale.

Problems with Party Packs upon arrival:  Once the tracking posts that you have received the game, you have a 2-business-day period to notify us of any issues with your received package. If the kit is defective, we ask that you provide us with photographic evidence via email (address is above). If it is found to be defective, we will issue you a return label for the kit within 3 business days and send you a replacement at our cost. You will ship the entire kit back in the original box to us. Beyond the 2-day period, we will not be responsible for any issues that have arisen with your order. There are no exceptions.

Replacement parts: we are not responsible for materials lost during the hosting of the game and will not offer replacement materials (i.e., clue cards, reports, etc.), as you have purchased a single-use game license with consumable materials. If you have an active commercial license that was purchased with the party pack (boxed) version, you can request the downloadable game at no additional charge, as long as your license is still active.  

Ensuring you have the right theme: since there are no refunds and all sales are final, we ask that you please contact our sales support at 1-800-714-3951 during phone center hours (posted above) or via email at for more information about your selected party prior to ordering a Party Pack (Boxed Kit). Before purchase, carefully review the sample game materials, the character lists, the additional product details on the game page (that will disclose any inappropriate content) and the mystery synopsis. Contact the staff to ask any questions about content you might be trying to avoid - they are there to assist you.


Within 2 business days after receipt, if the unopened materials are returned to us in the original shipping box in the exact condition in which they were shipped, we will issue a refund or exchange. In the event of an exchange, you will need to ship us the item at your cost and pay for return shipping.


Books purchased from My Mystery Party can be returned within 30 days after purchase. Ship the book back to us in the original box to My Mystery Party at the address on the shipping label. We will issue a refund within 3 days of receipt. We will give a 10-day extension for books purchased in December.

Returning a package without authorization: If you return a package to one of our offices without a return authorization, you will not receive a refund. If your refuse a shipment and the package either gets lost or returned to us - we will not provide a refund. We will contact you via email upon receipt to give you the option to either pay for the return shipping or you can provide us with a return UPS label via email for us to return your kit to you. We only ship via UPS. After 30 days, your package will be discarded.

For refunds that are authorized in extenuating circumstances: we do not refund any shipping charges and there will be a 15% restocking fee assessed on all returned materials. If the materials are not in the exact manner in which they were shipped (i.e., the package is opened, crime scene tape is torn/weathered, victim shirt has been worn, it is covered in a packing material that coats the item, such as hay or other like materials) we will not issue a refund, and you must pay shipping fees if you wish to have these damaged items returned to you. Due to hygienic issues, there are no exchanges or refunds on the victim's face paint or worn items. If you have removed items from the box that the item(s) were shipped in, we kindly ask that you add bubble wrap to the box to fill up that space to prevent damage to the items. 


Kit arrival dates: Your order of a boxed set &/or props will be prepared and shipped from our store within 2-4 business days, depending upon our fluctuating queue. Quite often, orders may be shipped on the same day as the order, but this is not guaranteed. Orders with Next Day Air placed by 6 AM CST will be placed at the front of the queue and will go out within 1 business day.

Modifications/cancelations after the order is completed &/or shipped: we are unable to allow modifications to your order once it is placed, as we do not keep credit card information and, therefore, cannot modify an order.  Also, your materials might have already been prepared and readied for shipment.

We cannot adjust your shipping method after the order is placed. If you need a faster shipping method, unfortunately, when you contact us about this, we must cancel the existing order and place a store credit on your account. You will use the store credit to make the new purchase with the faster shipping method. This, unfortunately, could cost you a day during our busier times of the year. If our queue is full and all the staff is preparing party packs, we may not have the administrative time to cancel and get the replacement order back in the queue for that day. It's always best to plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to receive the package. 

Change of address: if you request the assistance of My Mystery Party, LLC to change the address after your order has been shipped, we will request that you pay this UPS re-route fee to us before we can arrange a re-route with the UPS on your behalf. Contact us via email without delay to arrange this re-route.

Shipping times: the items will be shipped based on the carrier and method of your choosing. Choose the appropriate shipping method to get your kit on time. We offer UPS Next Day Air shipments, which is the only shipping method with guaranteed arrival by UPS. UPS 2nd-Day and 3-Day select are not guaranteed by UPS, so My Mystery Party, LLC cannot, therefore, guarantee the delivery date. The Buyer/Licensee is responsible for selecting the appropriate shipping method, as it is paid for upfront and based upon your address.

Deadlines: if you place an order, and it does not arrive in time for your party, that is not My Mystery Party, LLC's responsibility unless you have spoken with us about your urgency and placed the order with UPS Next Day Air by 6 AM and need the kit the following business day. We can get an order to you within a day, but you must email us in advance to be guaranteed. Otherwise, your package will ship from our store within a business day. 

Signatures upon delivery: My Mystery Party does not require a signature for delivery by default. If you live in a high-risk area where packages are stolen &/or if you have ever had a package stolen before from your property - you must note on your order within the text field of the shopping cart for us to require a signature on your delivery. You can also email us before your package ships to be sure we ship with the signature required box checked. 

Lost packages: We are not responsible for lost packages due to an incorrect address input into the system during checkout. If this occurs, you must contact the shipping company directly (UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc.) to retrieve the package with the tracking number we provide you.  You might be responsible for more fees to UPS for a reroute of your package. 

Refusal of deliveries: if a package is refused, UPS will assess a $35-$50 return fee to My Mystery Party, LLC to return the package to the sender. If this occurs due to an incorrect address - or if the Buyer/Licensee decides to refuse the package for any reason - My Mystery Party, LLC will deduct the return fee assessed by UPS from the potential refund of the returned items. The original shipping fees will also not be refunded. My Mystery Party will not ship another package to this Buyer/Licensee in the future.

P.O. Boxes: do not put a PO Box address for UPS shipped purchases, as the UPS doesn’t deliver to PO Boxes. Do not have our kits shipped to a USPS store. If you do this, you’ll be responsible for contacting UPS to update your address. If the package is returned to us, you will not receive a refund for the shipping and will be charged the fee assessed by UPS ($35-$50) to return the package to our store. Since the kits are final sale and non-refundable, we will hold the package for 30 days for you to either pay for shipping to send it back to you - or provide us with a shipping label to send the package back to you. We do not keep stock of our kits; the staff must prepare them for you on demand (hours of paid labor), and every printed kit adds wear and tear to our machines. Therefore, the kits are not returnable.

Misdelivered packages: all misdelivered packages must be reported to My Mystery Party, LLC support within 24 hours of a non-receipt of that package (once the tracking is updated as delivered) so the UPS/FEDEX/USPS investigation can commence without delay. Any lost/stolen packages reported after 24 hours - the Buyer/Licensee will be responsible for initiating the investigation with UPS/USPS.

If UPS/FEDEX/USPS concludes an investigation was the delivery driver's fault and UPS accepts responsibility for the non-delivery, we will refund the Buyer's order or issue an immediate reshipment at our cost, but only after the investigation has been officially concluded. This could take 8-10 business days for the delivery company's investigators to conclude the investigation. If you need the reshipment and cannot wait for this investigation to conclude, you must repurchase the game.

Stolen packages: If UPS/FEDEX/USPS delivers your package, and the Buyer/Licensee/Recipient claims it wasn't delivered – My Mystery Party staff will open an investigation with the carrier on your behalf if it is reported within 24 hours of the delivered tracking update. If the carrier determines it was delivered (via proof of GPS, photo, etc.) and was later stolen from your property, the carrier and My Mystery Party, LLC will not be held responsible for the stolen package. It is up to the Buyer/Licensee to track the delivery and promptly retrieve the package from the delivery location on the recipient's property to prevent thieves from stealing it.  

If, upon conclusion of a claim investigation, the UPS rules in favor of the UPS and documents that your package was delivered successfully to your address, then UPS will not pay the claim. Therefore, My Mystery Party, LLC, LLC has also fulfilled their obligation for the order, as well. We cannot be held responsible for the package once it has been delivered to the address that the Buyer inputs for the order. 

If the investigation concludes that the package was successfully delivered, the Buyer/Licensee is advised to file a police report on the theft. Also, the Buyer/Licensee should file the loss on the homeowner's or renter's insurance. It's also possible that the credit card used for the purchase has a stolen property plan where you can file a claim for reimbursement on the charge.

By browsing the site and/or making a purchase, the Buyer/Licensee agrees to these Terms and Conditions and agrees not to file a dispute for a stolen package. If this agreement is breached by the filing of a  dispute (chargeback) on the stolen package – My Mystery Party will cease communication with the Buyer/Licensee and provide proof of the delivery and all correspondence involved in the case to the dispute investigator. Due to the expense of our experienced staff in dealing with disputes, the charges to your account will exceed the amount of the active game licenses purchased. Therefore, all game licenses the Buyer holds will be inactivated with, and any future licenses will thereby be breached and voided.


 Cardholders may exploit loopholes in the chargeback process, using an illegitimate charge-back to steal from the merchant. Cyber shoplifting, otherwise known as friendly fraud or illegitimately filed chargebacks, is a growing concern for ecommerce retailers, amounting to losses of $16 billion a year and counting. Cyber shoplifting is growing at a rapid rate of ~41% a year. Another alarming statistic is that consumers who successfully file an illegitimate chargeback will do so again within the next 60 days. These shocking statistics reflect how quickly the issue of cyber shoplifting is growing and how important it is that all online merchants take action to prevent themselves from being a victim of this fraud. Because of this, we take fraud very seriously.

Circumventing the return policy:

We reserve the right to refuse service to any Buyer/ Licensee who attempts to abuse our 'exchange' policies. We are aware of internet scams and will legally pursue customers attempting charge-back fraud to obtain free merchandise. You are notified and agree by browsing and purchasing a game through our site at that filing a charge back to circumvent our return policy will immediately void your game license, all previous game licenses, and all future game licenses. Due to the time and money it takes our staff to respond to chargeback filings, you will no longer be eligible for a game license transfer on the disputed purchase - even if the dispute is ruled in the favor of My Mystery Party, LLC, as we already have documented staff hours to deal with the documentation and expertise necessary for managing the dispute, which will have exceeded the cost of the game license.  Also, filing a chargeback/dispute often times will cost My Mystery Party in chargeback fees and pose a negative hit on our reputation with our credit card processor. This can be a documented, calculated loss over time.

Purchasing a downloadable game (or tangible item) and then filing for a chargeback on your credit card to circumvent our return policy and receive a refund is illegal. For your protection and the integrity of our credit processing system - all charge reversals may be immediately investigated by our legal team and the local law enforcement based upon the IP Address used during the purchase.

Investigation of fraud: My Mystery Party staff will investigate posts made by you and your linked associates on social media or other online platforms to acquire proof of receipt of the product(s) and/or use of the products. Our staff will screenshot/download/document timestamps of photographic evidence and forward any photos that are posted of our materials as proof of receipt to your bank as part of our documentation. All fraudulent charges may be reported to the card-issuing bank with evidence of purchase, download &/or tracking as well as any email correspondence. For the protection of internet merchants, any Buyer/ Licensee that is found reporting a false charge reversal for any reason may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and may be reported to all existing &/or future abusive/bad customer databases and governing agencies.

Filing a chargeback against My Mystery Party, LLC on a stolen package or a package that was delivered to an 'incorrect' address - but to the correct address according to what the Buyer/Licensee input into the system as the delivery address -  will void and nullify all previous, current, and future game licenses for the User filing the chargeback, and discontinue all methods of customer service support including but not limited to the call center and email support. Communications will be only executed through the bank in which the dispute was filed. Also, since this is a breach in the agreement of the Terms and Conditions for all purchases made by the User of game licenses, the Buyer/Licensee who has filed a dispute against My Mystery Party, LLC will not be entitled to any refunds for any of the voided and nullified previous purchases of game licenses, even if it is still within the year after purchase.

Regardless of the ruling of the chargeback, filing a chargeback against My Mystery Party, LLC will void and nullify all previous, current, and future game licenses for the User filing the chargeback, and discontinue all methods of customer service support including but not limited to the call center and email support. Communications will be executed through the bank in which the dispute was filed. Also, since this is a breach in the agreement of the Terms and Conditions for all purchases made by the User of game licenses, the Buyer/ Licensee who has filed a dispute against My Mystery Party, LLC will not be entitled to any refunds for any of the voided and nullified previous purchases of game licenses, even if it is still within the year after purchase. 


When new games are developed, My Mystery Party, LLC might, on occasion, offer a public beta test version of the game, which is a version of the game that is under development.

If you agree to be part of the beta group by purchasing the beta license within the beta period, you are agreeing to test the game within the stated period and provide My Mystery Party, LLC with critical, meaningful feedback via a private survey within the posted beta test period. If you host the game and submit meaningful and complete feedback on our questionnaire, we will issue a store credit on your account for the beta license price that can be used on anything at and never expires.

Meaningful feedback: this means more than 'yes' and 'no' or other short answers. Our staff and author can deduce easily when you haven’t hosted the game, and a survey is completed with meaningless feedback just to get the store credit and the beta-game for free. Your time and our time are more important than this, so if you find you don't have time to host, just contact us - we can give you a coupon code for the beta-test price off the retail price of the game so you can host the published version in the future.  If you do not complete a meaningful survey within the designated period, you will not be eligible for store credit.

Reviews or online comments about a beta game: the beta-tester agrees not to post anything about the game online, including critical reviews of the game in any capacity, as any negative experiences you might have had with the game will be remedied before the game is published. If you leave a critical review of a game that is in the beta-test period and under development, you will no longer be eligible to beta-test future games with My Mystery Party, LLC. We want our reviews to be valid and helpful to future hosts of the published game, and not divulge issues that were included while under development, as those issues would have been revised/remedied.

Missing the survey deadline: if you purchased a beta-test license and did not complete the questionnaire with meaningful feedback, you will not receive a store credit. There are no exceptions. If you found that you were unable to host and test the game but wish to host it at a later date, contact us for a coupon code that will be good for removing the beta price off the published version of the game (and only that game - this cannot be used for a different game).  

Expired Beta Licenses: after the beta period has expired, you'd need to purchase the standard license fee if you want to use the game later. If you’ve received the store credit for the beta test fee, you must purchase the game at the published price. If you didn’t complete the survey by the deadline, contact us for a coupon code for the beta test fee price to be removed from the published price of the beta-tested game.

Commercial licenses of a beta version: the beta license fee will not count toward a commercial license, as it expires and turns into store credit on your account when the meaningful questionnaire is completed by the deadline. To commercially license a game that was beta tested by you, you must use that store credit (or other form of payment) to purchase the standard license and the commercial license fee.

Private groups: private groups might become available for certain games for VIP beta testers. If you are asked to be a member of the private group, you will be issued the test version of the game on your account at no charge - if you agree to host the game within the time limit. Therefore, you will have a deadline in which to provide meaningful feedback by completing a questionnaire about your experience. If you fail to provide us with feedback, even if you are a VIP beta tester, you will be removed from the private group, and the beta game removed from your account.

 If you wish to host the game again, as part of the beta test if a revised version becomes available, you can do so. Please give us updated feedback on the revisions. Once feedback has been given and the beta test period is over, the game will be removed from your account.  

If you complete the survey but do not provide meaningful feedback - in other words, if you just give yes/no answers on the feedback survey with no meaningful or critical content or true feedback of the game - you will not be eligible for a store credit or future beta testing.


We strive to make every event a memorable and enjoyable experience. Many of our customers return to host additional parties, and we’ve created a Loyalty Program to show our appreciation for their support.

The Loyalty Program:

Our Loyalty Program offers ongoing discounts to returning hosts who share their experiences with others. By leaving a testimonial on our Google My Business page, you’ll receive a 20% discount on your next purchase. This program is specifically for returning hosts who have completed the full experience of hosting a game, as we believe meaningful reviews are valuable for future hosts.

Since Google only allows one review per person, you cannot post reviews for multiple game experiences. However, if you wish to share additional testimonials for other games you’ve hosted, we also accept *Facebook reviews as a secondary option for loyalty codes. There will be more options of platforms in the future.

Gold Loyalty Program:

To join, post a testimonial about your most recent game, along with any photos of the event (excluding any game content or materials such as victim signs or name tags). Send us an email with the URL of your review, and we will generate a loyalty code for 20% off your next purchase. This code is good for one use, so be sure to gather all your items in the same order.

Platinum Loyalty Program:

Once you’ve left five reviews for five different games you’ve hosted, you become eligible for the Platinum Loyalty Program, which provides a 25% discount on your next purchase. All five reviews must remain active to maintain eligibility.

Palladium Loyalty Program:

After leaving ten reviews for ten different games, you’ll be eligible for the Palladium Loyalty Program, offering a 30% discount on your next purchase. All ten reviews must remain active and visible to qualify.

Platforms Accepted for the Loyalty Program:

Currently, Google is the primary platform accepted for the Loyalty Program. My Mystery Party, LLC may change or add additional platforms at any time. As of 12/22/23, we will no longer accept Facebook reviews for the initial review due to maintenance challenges with the platform.

Loyalty Program Ineligibility:

Your eligibility for the Loyalty Program may be affected under the following circumstances:

  1. Deleted Reviews: If any of your Google reviews for My Mystery Party, LLC are deleted, any active loyalty codes will be inactivated by our system. We kindly ask that you repost any removed reviews to remain eligible, as occasional deletions may occur due to Google glitches.
  2. Negative Reviews: If at any time a disparaging review is left against My Mystery Party, LLC in any form or platform.
  3. Chargebacks: If a chargeback is filed against My Mystery Party, LLC.
  4. Copyright Infringement: If there is any violation of My Mystery Party, LLC’s intellectual property rights.

We value your continued support and look forward to providing you with more fun and engaging party experiences! If you have any questions about the Loyalty Program, feel free to reach out to us.


My Mystery Party will, at its discretion, either seek to advertise through social media influencers or consider requests for influencer advertising.

Influencer advertising decisions will be based on the prospective return on investment (ROI) for My Mystery Party, LLC.  My Mystery Party will consider potential conversions based on the influencer’s legitimate (non-purchased) follower counts, the account(s) age, and, more importantly, the meaningful engagement (non-bot comments) over the last three months of an influencer’s social media platforms.

A social media lifestyle influencer must have at least 10,000 legitimate (non-purchased) followers, and a mean of 20 non-bot, meaningful comments per post for the last three months to be considered by My Mystery Party. A lifestyle influencer with less engagement will not be considered for the program.

All influencers will be reviewed and considered on a case-by-case basis.

If both parties agree to terms, an influencer contract will be signed by both parties. 


We routinely revise and update our products to keep them up to date with technology and content. We retain the right, without notice, to revise our games and thereby make past versions unavailable. If you have purchased a prior version and it is within the year after purchase, and you haven't hosted the game - if you wish to have the previous version you purchased, you may send us a request via email for the former version if it is available. You will, however, be able to download the most current version from your account. If it has been over a year since your purchase, you will not be able to obtain the game since the game licenses are only good for a year.   


We reserve the right to retire a game (and thereby remove it from sale on and the associated expansion packs at any time, without warning - even if you have a commercial license for the game. We will, however, provide the game and associated expansion packs via email per request if you provide us with the order number and it is within the year after purchase. We agree to keep the Your Mystery Party site and all associated materials active for the year after the game's retirement.    


We hereby do not represent that products and/or services available on or through the Site are appropriate or obtainable outside of the United States of America. Those who choose to access the Site from other locations do so on their own initiative and at their own risk. Users outside of the United States will be held accountable to comply with local laws. 

Games made available through the Site are further subject to United States export controls. We reserve the right to limit the availability of the Site and/or Games to any person, geographic area or jurisdiction, at any time and in our sole discretion.  


To access the Game(s) you License, the Buyer/Licensee must first create an account. To access the Game(s) you must also become a Buyer/ Licensee by paying the License Fee (the posted price of the License of the game). You may not use the account or License of any other person or entity, as the License is not transferable. Any attempts to use another person's account will result in that person's license or licenses being voided. The Buyer/Licensee listed on the account must be the Game's End User. There are no exceptions.  In addition to the other terms, provisions, and conventions of this Agreement, you agree to the following:

• Provide correct information of your name and all contact information. This will serve as the registered data of the Licensee and may not be transferred to another User. 
• When your contact information changes, you must update your account with the correct information. However, you are forbidden to change your name, and thereby the Buyer/Licensee, unless it is a legal name change in the case of a legal marriage. 

• You are not to share your order number or identifying information for active or inactive game licenses with anyone. 

• You are solely responsible for the security of your password and, thereby, your account, and for any actions that use your account. 

You consent and authorize us to verify your account data as required to use and access the Site and Games. You hereby consent to notify us without delay of any and all instances of an unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security you have also been made aware of. You recognize the complete privacy of your data transmitted while using or accessing the Site or Games cannot be guaranteed. You hereby agree that your failure to accept any part of this Agreement or Policies and your willful provision of inaccurate or fallacious contact information shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement. If within ten (10) calendar days after provides notice (in an electronic form via email) to you of a material breach, if you fail to provide reasonable evidence to that you were not in a material breach of this Agreement, may terminate your account and prevent access to any and all Game(s) on your account.  Any outstanding Licenses may also be revoked without further notice to you and without any duty to refund any/all License Fees paid to 


Our site is a BigCommerce store, and the security and uptime of our store is their #1 priority. We protect our site and data with the same military-grade security and encryption that the big banks use.

We use as our payment gateway. With Authorize.Net, our customers can be confident their data is secure. We utilize industry-leading technologies and protocols, such as 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and we are compliant with a number of government and industry security initiatives.   

TRANSMISSIBLE ILLNESS AND IN-PERSON EVENTS: will not be responsible nor held liable for events held by Buyer/Licensees of our Games. We hereby do not represent that products and/or services available on or through the Site are appropriate for use during any pandemic or break-out of transmissible diseases. Before you host an in-person (face-to-face) Game, please check the website and adhere to all advisements and precautions regarding transmissible diseases, such as COVID-19. 

The Buyer/Licensee hereby acknowledges the contagious nature of transmissible diseases, such as COVID-19, and that the CDC and many other public health authorities may, at times, recommend practicing social distancing.

The Buyer/Licensee further acknowledges that has not put anything into place as preventative measures to reduce the spread of transmissible diseases.

The Buyer/Licensee hereby acknowledges that MyMysteryParty cannot guarantee that the Buyer/Licensee's attendees, as well as the Buyer/Licensee, will not become infected with a transmissible disease by hosting an in-person event. The Buyer/Licensee hereby understands that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by a transmissible disease may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Buyer/Licensee and others, including, but not limited to, party guests, hosts, caterers, DJ's and their families.

The Buyer/Licensee hereby acknowledges that there could be an increase of exposure to transmissible diseases by hosting in-person (face-to-face) events. 

The Buyer/Licensee and all of the attendees of the in-person (face-to-face) event must attest: 

* That they are not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell or any other symptom of a transmissible disease.

* They have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.

* They have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America in the last 14 days.

* They do not believe they have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of a transmissible disease.

* They have not been diagnosed with a transmissible disease and have not yet been cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities.

* They are currently following all CDC recommended guidelines.

The Buyer/Licensee agrees to hold harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of MyMysteryParty and its Games, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services or products received by MyMysteryParty. These Terms and Conditions discharges MyMysteryParty from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the Company with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from This agreement and release extend to the Company together with all owners, partners, and employees. 


By consenting to this Agreement, you acknowledge that is relying upon the following: You are at least 18 years of age and agree that trusts the representations, warranties and covenants you have created herein. You agree to and hereby do indemnify and hold harmless from any loss, expense (including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees/expenses), or damage caused by any claim, request, lawsuit, recovery, or settlement arising out of any breach/alleged breach of any of the representations, warranties or covenants made herein - or rising from any failure by you to accomplish any of the representations, warranties, or covenants you have made herein.  


You hereby agree to indemnify and hold My Mystery Party, LLC and each of the foregoing entities’ respective employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, vendors, partners, members, managers, owners, directors, officers, employees, and representatives harmless from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, damages and expenses and other losses (including attorneys' fees and court costs) arising out of or relating to: (i) your use of the Site, including, without limitation, use of any My Mystery Party, LLC game; prop sold by My Mystery Party, LLC, associated websites and/or (ii) any breach or alleged breach of these Terms of Service by you. You shall not settle any such claim without the prior written consent of My Mystery Party, LLC. We reserve the right to defend any such claims, and, for clarity, you agree to reimburse us for all liabilities, fines, costs, and expenses associated with defending against and resolving any such claims. These obligations will survive any termination of these Terms of Service. 


Neither nor any of our affiliates, licensors, suppliers, nor our or their staff members or other representatives (collectively “”), are responsible or liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or other damages (including, without limitation, personal injury, damages for loss of business, loss of data or lost profits), under any contract, negligence, warranty, strict liability or other theory arising out of or relating in any way to use or misuse of or reliance on the site or the games or any linked site, even if has been advised of the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall’s total cumulative liability under this agreement exceed the total fee, if any, paid by you to Such limitations shall apply with respect to the performance or nonperformance of the site or any product or any information or merchandise that appears on, or is linked or related in any way to, the site. Such limitation shall apply notwithstanding any failure of the essential purpose of any limited remedy and to the fullest extent permitted by law. 
Some states or other jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. Provided, however, that to the extent permitted by applicable law you hereby waive the provisions of any state law limiting or prohibiting such exclusions or limitations. 
Without limiting the foregoing, under no circumstances shall be held liable for any delay or failure in performance resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces, or causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, internet failures, computer equipment failures, telecommunication equipment failures, other equipment failures, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, floods, storms, explosions, acts of god, epidemic, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals, non-performance of third parties, or loss of or fluctuations in heat, light, or air conditioning. 


By viewing this agreement and continuing to browse our site and/or purchase a game license, you hereby agree that this Agreement has an identical legal obligation and weight as a written contract with a handwritten signature. You further agree to not challenge the legitimacy or the ability of to enforce this Agreement on the grounds that it was electronically authorized. This Agreement fulfills any laws, rules, and decrees that require a handwritten signature, including any appropriate statute of frauds. A printed version of this Agreement shall be accepted in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to the Agreement to the same degree and subject to the same terms and conditions as other legal documents and records originally created and stored in a printed form. You acknowledge that you have reviewed, understand, and have had the opportunity to print this Agreement.

This Agreement has been created in the USA, Austin, Texas.  It shall be under control and governed by the laws of the State of Texas without regard to any applicable conflict of law provisions. The Parties submit to jurisdiction in the state and federal courts sitting in Travis County, Austin, USA, and you, the User, hereby waive any and all forum objections. 
This Agreement in its entirety shall not be construed as creating a partnership, a franchise relationship, a joint venture, or employment between the Parties, including but not limited to the purchase of commercial licenses. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to require the commission of any illegal act opposed by law.
In the case of material breach of this Agreement, no breach of this Agreement shall be deemed material unless you have given electronic notice of such breach. will have thirty calendar days to repair the material breach after receiving notice.  
All notices of a material breach under this Agreement shall be in writing and transmitted via email to 
You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Site or Games contained within must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. 
California Users ( Regarding California Civil Code Section 1789.3) California Users are entitled to the following specific consumer rights notice: The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted at 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, California 95814, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210. The provider of services is My Mystery Party, LLC at at 12600 Hill Country Blvd. Suite R-275 Austin, Texas 78738 at 800-714-3951. There is a charge for licensing the Games at Charges are available by viewing the website at or by contacting My Mystery Party, LLC at the above address with attention: Customer Service.

The browser of the Site ( and/or Buyer/Licensee hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Company harmless against any losses, expenses, costs, or damages (including any reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) arising from, incurred as a result of, or in any manner related to any claim or action based upon (a) your breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, (b) your use of the Games, and/or (c) the use of the Games by any other person using your account or License. Company may participate in the defense of any such claim or action and any negotiations for its settlement or compromise. No settlement which may adversely affect our rights or obligations shall be made without our prior written approval.