Homicide at the Tacky Sweater Shindig | Boxed Kit
A fun Christmas murder mystery party game for ages 13+! There are 8 required characters and 4 optional characters - 12 unique players altogether!
Select the party ready (spoiler-free) option above, and our staff will fold and slip the clue cards for rounds one, two, and three into the envelopes to prevent you from seeing spoilers on the round cards. If you do not select this option, you will have some assembly required with your kit.
Helpful Links:
Sample game materials - view content, format and example plotlines
Click here for the instant download version - no waiting, shipping fees. This version is not seamless with the boxed kit.
Pinterest Board
Commercial license - to host in public, for profit, &/or as a benefit to your business/organization/brand
Example party pack (boxed kit)
Game trailer video
Kit A - 12 players
Host character list
Free, printable invitation
Free pre-game site at 'Your Mystery Party'
Kit B - 24 players
Host character list (characters #13-24)
Free, printable invitation
Free, pre-game site for the 24-player game
Kit C - 36 players
Kit C (expansion pack #2) character list (characters #25-#36)
Free, printable invitation
Free, pre-game site for the 36-player game
Kit D - 45 players
Kit D (Expansion Pack #3) Host character list (characters #37-#45)
Free, printable invitation
Free, pre-game site for the 45-player game
Kits E-F
Both use the same invitation and pre-game site as Kit D. These two kits have all 45 suspects above plus expandable teams (non-suspect, duplicated team players) divided into the Griswall Family and Department Store Elves with Hermey Garland. See the main game and expansion pack #1 host character lists above for further details.
An example boxed kit.
Mystery Synopsis:
Citizens of Holly Hills: save the date, mark your calendars, and set your alarms– the annual Tacky Sweater Shindig is just around the corner! This charming event will take place in the spectacular Silver Bells Ballroom of the Snowflake Manor. Party guests will mingle in tacky sweater garb with enchanting people, exquisite food, and fabulous entertainment. A night to remember, you will make to die for Christmas memories for years to come! Dress to impress in your Christmas tacky sweater best! On another note, rumors that some of the townspeople are planning to get revenge on one another this night are entirely false. Everybody will be perfectly safe. At least the Snowflake Manor’s management hope that’s the case. No drama will be tolerated! This is where your story begins.
- Minimum age:
- 14 years
- Difficulty rating:
- Moderate, 5/10
- Gender of character roles:
- Co-ed or All Female (required)
- Minimum # of players:
- 8 players
- Kit sizes:
- 6 different kit sizes, ranging up to a total of 75 players.
- Expandable teams?:
- Yes, kits E (10) & F (30) have expandable team players.
- Date of publication:
- 2013. Last revised on 8/25/21
- Game license:
- Single, private use. See the game license's Terms and Conditions below.